Hospitech was engaged by the Victorian Health Building Authority as the principal’s FF&E consultant including all major medical equipment (MME).
The new Footscray Hospital is one of the state’s largest ever health infrastructure investments at $1.5 billion.
The new hospital will support the increasing demand from Melbourne’s booming western suburbs, ensuring families can get the care they need close to home.
Hospitech was engaged by the Victorian Health Building Authority as the principal’s FF&E consultant including all major medical equipment (MME).
The Victorian Government is delivering a $1.1 billion redevelopment of Frankston Hospital. This is the largest ever health infrastructure investment in Melbourne’s south-east. The redevelopment will transform services at the hospital, delivering a new tower with 12 levels of clinical services.
Hospitech was engaged by the Victorian Health Building Authority as the principal’s FF&E consultant including all major medical equipment (MME).
The Victorian Government has committed more than $900 million to deliver a new Melton Hospital. The brand new hospital will support the growing and diverse communities of Caroline Springs, Rockbank, Melton, Bacchus Marsh and Gisborne. The hospital will be Victoria’s first all-electric hospital.
The NSW Government has committed $940 million to the redevelopment of Royal Prince Alfred (RPA) Hospital to deliver a new hospital building and refurbishment of existing spaces. This is the most significant investment in RPA’s 140-year history to support the world-leading services provided at RPA for the 740,000 people who live in Sydney Local Health District.
Hospitech was engaged by the New South Wales Health Infrastructure as the Major Medical Equipment (MME) Consultant to manage planning, vendor test fits, layout reviews, scope delineation, technology assessment, and the whole procurement process.
The Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct (LHAP) will provide a significant boost in health services to south western Sydney’s growing population through an integrated cancer centre, expansion of the hospital’s emergency department, neonatal intensive care, maternity and children’s services, and ambulatory and outpatient care. The NSW Government is investing $830 million into this project.
Hospitech was engaged by the New South Wales Health Infrastructure as the Major Medical Equipment (MME) Procurement and Commissioning Consultant to manage planning, vendor test fits, layout reviews, scope delineation, technology assessment, procurement process, procurement evaluation and recommendation, pre-delivery, installation, commissioning, user acceptance testing, documentation review, clinical user training and go-live.
Hospitech was engaged by the New South Wales Health Infrastructure as the Major Medical Equipment (MME) Procurement and Commissioning Consultant to manage planning, vendor test fits, layout reviews, scope delineation, technology assessment, procurement process, procurement evaluation and recommendation, pre-delivery, installation, commissioning, user acceptance testing, documentation review, clinical user training and go-live.
The $411 million St George Hospital Stage 3 Redevelopment is an important boost to healthcare services for the local community. The new building referred to as The Kensington Street Building, will bring together a range of day only, ambulatory and outpatient services into one location. This will improve accessibility for patients, particularly for those less mobile or who have chronic health conditions.
The NSW Government is investing $869 million in the new acute services building for Prince of Wales Hospital. It is part of the master plan for infrastructure transformation of the Randwick Health Campus and for expanding the world-class health, research and education facilities within the Randwick Health and Innovation Precinct.
Hospitech was engaged by the New South Wales Health Infrastructure as the Major Medical Equipment (MME) Commissioning Advisor to manage all phases of commissioning from pre-delivery, installation, commissioning, user acceptance testing, documentation review, clinical user training and go-live.
The NSW Government invested $632 million in Campbelltown Hospital Stage 2 project. The project includes a new clinical services building as well as refurbishment of the existing buildings. With additional clinical services and medical specialities, the local community will have access to a broader range of healthcare closer to home.
Hospitech was engaged by the New South Wales Health Infrastructure as the Major Medical Equipment (MME) Procurement and Commissioning Consultant to manage planning, vendor test fits, layout reviews, scope delineation, technology assessment, procurement process, procurement evaluation and recommendation, pre-delivery, installation, commissioning, user acceptance testing, documentation review, clinical user training and go-live.
The NSW Government invested $81.5 million to redevelop the Sutherland Hospital Operating Theatre Complex including CSSD, plus an additional $7 million for an MRI service. The redevelopment delivers increased operating theatre capacity to meet future demand driven by an increasing and aging population, with an associated increase in chronic and complex disease. The redevelopment is a combination of new build and refurbishment works to deliver a contemporary operating theatre environment, improve efficiencies and access to services, and enable implementation of new models of care and surgical clinical pathways.
Hospitech was engaged by the New South Wales Health Infrastructure as the Major Medical Equipment (MME) Procurement and Commissioning Consultant to manage planning, vendor test fits, layout reviews, scope delineation, technology assessment, procurement process, procurement evaluation and recommendation, pre-delivery, installation, commissioning, user acceptance testing, documentation review, clinical user training and go-live.
Hospitech was engaged by the Victorian Health Building Authority as the principal’s FF&E consultant.
The expansion at Casey Hospital emergency department will support the treatment of an extra 52,000 presentations each year. The expansion is part of a $280 million investment by the Victorian Government to boost the capacity of the emergency departments at Casey Hospital and Werribee Mercy Hospital.
The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital redevelopment upgraded the infrastructure of the largest public provider of ophthalmology and ear, nose and throat services in Victoria.
Hospitech was engaged to provide procurement framework and support including technology assessment, equipment specification development, tender documentation, tender evaluation, tender award, vendor management on installation and commissioning.
Our task was to ensure that the fit out of the new 350 Bed tertiary paediatric hospital was ‘best of breed’ based on world standards and to build in ‘future proofing’ A budget of $70 million was allocated for FF&E which fell under the main project budget of 1.3 billion. Some key tasks Hospitech performed under this contract were:
Hospitech provided procurement services to the Department of Health and Human Services to as part of the overall new hospital $447M redevelopment. Hospitech provided a number of full time resources to the procurement team over the course of the project to provide the following services:
In addition, Hospitech provided a number of staff during the commissioning phase. The Hospitech team was active on site for almost six months pre-opening to receive, assemble, catalogue and test the new medical equipment. The equipment was then placed in the specific room or location as per the master equipment list. The project was delivered ahead of time and a number of cost savings were made that enabled the scope of the redevelopment to be extended significantly.
Hospitech provided project management services with respect to equipment procurement for the new Bega South East Regional Hospital.
Contracted by NSW Health Infrastructure, but working in close collaboration with New South Wales Health, Hospitech was responsible for all aspects of procurement including planning, specification development, assessment of suitability and cost of products (including items on existing NSW Health contracts), document preparation including proforma purchase order, installation, commissioning and training planning. The project also involved chairing a number of specialist clinical user group meetings to engage users in the choice and selection of medical and dental equipment, especially more specialist or complex items. In total 520 unique procurement packages resulted covering 36,900 individual items. Also, existing items at the old hospital were catalogued, reviewed for condition and a list of transfer items developed using a risk based algorithm.
Hospitech has developed the technical specifications and engineering documents for all tender phases. Tender responses were evaluated for best “fit for purpose” products based on specifications developed. Full life cycle costs were used when performing financial comparisons. Detailed documentation and proforma information were provided to NSW Healthshare who physically placed the purchase orders based on the documentation provided.
Hospitech provided procurement services from early planning through to final commissioning and placement. This included relocation and replacement of major equipment items such as Linear Accelerators and planning CT scanner. Specific services provided include:
As part of a redevelopment project, Hospitech was tasked with facilitating the procurement of FF&E for group 2 and 3 items valued at over $1.5m for our client, an Aged Care Facility, Victoria. The asset list largely comprised medical devices and furniture items. Hospitech consultants, dealing directly with the CEO, board members and the project team, were responsible for created and managing the FF&E schedule, chairing selection meetings, sourcing and presenting product information and quotations in line with user and architect preferences and requirements. Hospitech engaged in negotiations with vendors in order to achieve the best outcomes for the client whilst minimising costs.
Hospitech maintained the FF&E register, cost register and change register and provided regular reporting on such registers to the CEO, board and project team. Hospitech procured all selected items and managed the logistics tasks including scheduling deliveries and physically placing the items in accordance with the architect’s design. Hospitech asset tagged all group 2 & 3 items and provided this detail to the hospital in the form of an asset register. The project was successfully delivered within budget.
This project required our specialist technical consultant to audit a large Victorian rural hospital’s Essential Services Maintenance records in preparation for the hospital’s impending Essential Safety Measures audit. All service records were audited to ensure maintenance of essential safety plant and equipment was completed, documented and compliant with respect to regulatory standards.
Adventist Healthcare, NSW | Bankstown Hospital, NSW | Blacktown & Mr Druit Hospital, NSW |
Bowral District Hospital, NSW | Cabrini Hospital, VIC | Calvary Health Care hospitals |
Dubbo Base Hospital, NSW | Emmy Monash Aged Care, VIC | Gosford Hospital, NSW |
Griffith Base Hospital, NSW | Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital, NSW | Macquarie University Hospital, NSW |
Mater Hospital, NSW | Mercy Health Hospitals | Murdoch Children Research Institute, VIC |
Nepean Hospital, NSW | New Bendigo Hospital, VIC | New Box Hill Hospital, VIC |
New Calvary Adelaide Hospital | New Children's Hospital Perth | Northern Beaches Community Health Service, NSW |
Pathway to 144 Mental Health, VIC | Royal Adelaide New Women’s and Children’s Hospital | St John of God Health Care Hospitals |
St Vincent's Health Australia Hospitals | St Vincent’s Private Hospital Sydney, NSW | Tumut District Hospital, NSW |
Victoria Comprehensive Cancer Centre | Victoria Quarantine Facility | Victoria University, VIC |
Victorian Dental Hospital, VIC | Wagga-Wagga Hospital, NSW | Wyong Hospital, NSW |